More than just a source of fun: an energy resource
Yes, waves are great for a sweet surf, boogie-boarding, and just general beach wading, but if it could be utilized as more than just a recreational catalyst, then why not?
I came across this article on the Los Angeles Times site, reporting on the prospect of bringing wave energy harnessing technology to Southern California. I am a proponent of research on wave energy technology, but I admit the article brings up a lot of valid adversarial points, such as
a. residents don't want it
b. there hasn't been enough research/ testing of wave energy generators
c. there is potential for marine life repercussions
Judging by the interviews in the article, it doesn't look like wave energy technologies will be implemented along the Cali. coast any time soon. Unfortunately, beach side residents suffer from NIMBY syndrmee.
And my response to NIMBY embracers-- would you rather live next door to a power plant? Nuclear energy, an energy technology I consider a cop-out energy source, may end up becoming America's-- even the world's primary energy source.
There are potential repercussions to wave energy generators, there will be externalities. I 100% agree more research needs to be done testing its effectiveness and efficiency. Benefit/cost analyses are needed. As usual, California is the perfect place to test and research its feasibility.Who else has this kind of energy legislation?
"Wave farms have been tried in such places as Scotland and Australia. All work on the same principle: capturing the motion of ocean waves and turning it into electricity. In recent years companies have developed a vast array of devices, including hydrokinetic buoys that bob in the surf, hulking underwater turbines and huge, partly submerged "sea snakes" — tubes that use wave action to power electric generators. A collection of partially submerged cylindrical devices placed off the coast of Portugal in 2008 was heralded as the world's first wave farm."
I came across this article on the Los Angeles Times site, reporting on the prospect of bringing wave energy harnessing technology to Southern California. I am a proponent of research on wave energy technology, but I admit the article brings up a lot of valid adversarial points, such as
a. residents don't want it
b. there hasn't been enough research/ testing of wave energy generators
c. there is potential for marine life repercussions
Judging by the interviews in the article, it doesn't look like wave energy technologies will be implemented along the Cali. coast any time soon. Unfortunately, beach side residents suffer from NIMBY syndrmee.
And my response to NIMBY embracers-- would you rather live next door to a power plant? Nuclear energy, an energy technology I consider a cop-out energy source, may end up becoming America's-- even the world's primary energy source.
There are potential repercussions to wave energy generators, there will be externalities. I 100% agree more research needs to be done testing its effectiveness and efficiency. Benefit/cost analyses are needed. As usual, California is the perfect place to test and research its feasibility.Who else has this kind of energy legislation?
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